How wonderful is Niotillfem's hair-bow? It's so sweet and cute. I instantly knew this would be something we're going to have try on you, Jasmine, for our next play dress-up/hairstylist day. She used this video, and it totally looks doable, so psyched!

From calivintage, came across another cute fashion blogger, Kennedy Holmes. Pillbox hats are way too cool.

And tinydoll's petticoats have reminded me of how much I love pretty things made of layers and yards of ruffles, lace and lots and chiffon. So nice. Here's her flickr, that she posts her creations on...I really want a petticoat like this. They remind me of the creme colored one you made. I think I'd have to wear it under every dress, like everyday, they just look like too much fun.
i've seen that hair do around for a while but i'm so glad its actually do-able! (i was afraid it was held together with magic) ps you need to start collecting pics of cute hairstyles for short hairz so we can do it to your hair when you come down.