here are some of my scans:

this chambered nautilus was actually drawn a long time ago (i think it wasn't too long after the squid with the banner a few entries back). its pretty realistic which is a good look for me.

here is a small sketch i did of me and charlotte that i was planning on adding to the banner, but i liked the banner the way it was so i didn't end up adding it to the final banner.

this is a larger, more stylized version of the last drawing. and the next two are basically the same but i was trying to get more comfortable using ink and trying out new fill techniques. enjoy!

i already have more things lined up for my next few posts so stay tuned.
I LOVE ALL OF THESE!!!!!!! You have no idea how excited I got when I saw that there was a new post of drawings. The nautilus is freaking awesome, I love those, so much, so that was a nice surprise. And our banner is amazing. I mean really, it's perfect. Our icons are dead on and the scroll looks great. I love it. (!!!!!!) All of the drawing of us are really sweet, too, the last two are my favorites, especially the second to last. The lines look really nice. Are you going to add eyes or any other facial features? I cant wait for the rest of the stuff that you have lined up!!!!!!